Level 1


Strong character traits such as honesty, self-discipline, and accountability are key to allowing God to transform you into the person He desires you to be.  God has an awesome plan for your life and it starts with the building of your character as you grow closer to Jesus.

Level 2


Discovering and growing in your ministry is important as a believer.  Through topics such as spiritual warfare, evangelism and spiritual gifts, ministry formation takes place and it equips the believer to become a strong disciple maker for Christ.

Level 3


Discovering your role in the body of Christ is key to reaching your potential in Christ and to discipling new believers.  Having strong character traits such as honesty, self-discipline and accountability allows God to transform you into the person of influence He desires you to be.


We exist to help you advance God’s vision for your ministry and beyond. We accomplish this goal by partnering with you to equip pastors, to empower churches to impact communities.


We offer easy-to-access resources that empower you to develop your vision and mission. Our team of pastors and specialists will provide, teaching, curriculums, trainings and more. 

Who We Are


Tom Manning

P. Tom Manning is the Lead Pastor of Christian Life Center. With over 25 years of World Mission experience as a foundation, beginning in Budapest and Austria, he now serves as the Penn Florida Missions Director. His passion to see God’s presence reach the nations fuels his ministry of pouring into and equipping pastors and leaders from around the world. 

Erak Christofis

Erak Christofis is the Children’s Pastor at Christian Life Center in Fort Lauderdale, FL.  Erak attended the University of Valley Forge where he graduated with a B.A. in Children’s Ministries. He provides apostolic leadership to Children ministries across South Florida. He is passionate about pouring into the next generation of future kids pastors and ministry leaders. 

Charles Butler

Pastor Charles: Pastor Charles is our worship pastor here at CLC with almost 10 years of experience in worship and 15 years of experience in music. Beyond his abilities as a songwriter and musician, he is a pastor that cares for the heart of those he serves and trains. He has expertise in developing teams and leaders’ with technical and spiritual worship skills.

Shawn O'Neil

P. Shawn is the Outreach Pastor of Christian Life Center. Shawn’s enthusiasm for the gospel to be spread to everyone is contagious. He is an intergral part of our local partnerships creating deep impact in Broward County Florida and beyond. With a Masters of Arts in Ministerial Leadership he train others in sustuinable leadership models to create disciples.